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In March 2021, we were awarded our Green Flag for Litter and Waste.Our goal this year is to achieve the Green Flag for the theme of water. This theme focuses on water conservation and the importance of managing the water resources in our schools. 

This year, the 'Water Warriors' continued to use the traffic light system to monitor the litter and waste and also the water usage of each classroom. We took part in the 'Water for Peace' poster competition. We will also be taking part in a 'Walk for Water' on the 30th of April and celebrating World Water Day on the 20th March.  

In 2019, the school was awarded the 'Discover Science and Maths Award'from the Science Foundation of Ireland. This year, we are working towards achieving the 'Curious Minds Gold Award'. This award celebrates our learning engagement in STEM education. It involves science, technology, maths, engineering and STEM show and tell. 

This year we took part in Maths Weeks. The 6th class created maths trails for the other classes to complete. We also took part in Science Week, where each class had great fun doing science experiments from learning about the digestive system to making rafts, volcanoes and magic potions! In March, we will be learning about the role of engineers during Engineers Week and will be welcoming a visit from a real engineer! 

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In April of this year, we will be taking part in the  Food Dudes initiative again. This has been a great success in previous years and we have no doubt that it will be the same this year. 

As part of the Food Dudes initiative the children will be trialing and tasting some fruit and vegetables to promote healthy eating! 

During 2018 we were delighted to be presented with the Active School Flag (ASF) for our continued efforts to keep our students active every day at school. This is a Department of Education and Skills initiative supported by Healthy Ireland.


The award recognises schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community.

The ASF process requires schools to self-evaluate across three areas: Physical Education, Physical Activity, and Partnerships and held on Active Schools Week.

Thereafter schools are required to plan and implement improvements that will have a positive effect on their school community and will satisfy the ASF Success Criteria. 

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